Shop Voorhees Card
As our way to thank you for shopping local, show the below participating Voorhees Town Center merchants your “Shop Voorhees Card” and receive these special offers:
- Cutting Crew - 20% Off Any Service or Product
- Friendly’s - (1) One Free small sundae!
- Italian Treasures - 15% off total purchase.
- The Enerjuicer - 10% Off of smoothie purchase. 10% Off Of Catering over $100. 10% Off with a like us on Facebook at counter. (Each offer separate and may not be combined.)
- Tilt Studio - One (1) FREE attraction with any purchase, (mini-golf, mini-bowling, twirlin tax or laser frenzy, Bonus offer: FREE topping on a large pizza with purchase of a $50 play card!)
Thank You for shopping local!
*See Managers and Associates of restaurant, retailers or service provider for details of offers. *Voorhees Town Center and its merchants do not participate in the “tax credit/funding program”.